Cobbs Creek Reservoir
Cumberland County, VA
VPDES CGP and SWPPP compliance inspections, SWPPP maintenance, and water quality sampling.
Located within Cumberland County, the 1,117-acre Cobbs Creek Reservoir will work, upon completion, to both provide for the growing drinking water needs of Henrico County’s residents, and aid low flows in times of drought within the James River by innovatively storing river water during high water conditions to be released when river levels dwindle. Construction began in 2017 when MEB Haymes Joint Venture LLC (MEB General Contractors, Chesapeake, VA and Haymes Brothers, Inc., Chatham, VA) won the bid at just over $137M. Haymes Brothers soon met with and subsequently hired Jason Murnock and his team, then of Angler Environmental, to revise the SWPPP and begin all VPDES CGP-related site inspections, SWPPP upkeep, and water quality sampling. Now with Compliance Pros, Jason and his team are proud to have continued this important compliance work continuously through the present.